
The Round turns 6. And free iTunes podcast for you!


Hey it's the 6th Birthday of The Round in Seattle. wow! I remember thinking way back then, "if we put a # on it, maybe we'll be able to keep it going?". And here we are... 6 years later, at Round # 73. And still just across the street from where it all began at the Living:Room tea house with an informal songwriter workshop turned "in the round" session.

Next we added the potluck dinner before the show, then live painters around #3 and slam poets began at #9. Podcast launched from #13 onward and while we missed a few there are some amazing recordings online for FREE. So many great volunteers and supporters have kept this show going, so thank you everyone! A special shout out to the early early supporters such as Tara Ward, Scott Erickson, Denise Jolly, Vic Brown, Liz Leahy, Joshua Sherman, and I'm sure many more I'm forgetting. Also thanks to Jonas G who's been doing live sound for us for years and also mixes and posts the podcast. He did the difficult math to determine it's our 6th birthday this month!

Subscribe or download from the podcast here

So for Round 73 we are featuring an entirely new lineup of musicians mixed with some favorite poets and painters from the past.

Get the scoop via our FACEBOOK EVENT]

Nonprofit of the month: http://artisnotanoption.wordpress.com

Round 2 Vashon Island = June 18
Fremont Abbey stage & fun @ Fremont Fair = June 18-19
Vandaveer, Cheyenne Marie, Cahalen Morrison & Eli West = June 24
Ghosts I've Met, Sons of Warren Oates = June 25
Round 74 Seattle = July 12 - BBQ Party!


Lonely Buildings project

Check out my new site! http://www.lonelybuildings.com It's a design/resources blog sharing ideas about how to renovate and revamp old places into vibrant community spaces.